"Tournaments Plus"
Site Maintained By the SportsSpinner


Canadian AAA
Desert Hockey Classic
Latest News
2025 - Canadian AAA Desert
The Tournament Committee would like to
Announce that for May 15 - 18 The "Canadian AAA Crusher Desert Classic" is
already at 80 - 85 % Full. Our 4 Birth Year Divisions -- 2011 at 4 Teams , 2012
- at 5 Teams 2013 - at 5 Teams & 2014 - at 4 Teams will provide some excellent
AAA Hockey and we will Update the web site By November 15 at latest.
We can Only take 6 Teams in each the 2011 & 2012 Divisions ( Contact Divisions )
For the 2013 and 2014 Non Contact Divisions we have
Opening for 7 Teams and 6 Teams.
If You and Your AAA Team are interested in Joining Us this May, Please contact
Us at b.serniak@shaw.ca or Call Us at 780-499-5784
Talk to Your Parents and then Call or email us if YOU are Interested in Joining
Us May 15 - 18, 2025 in Las Vegas !!!
2010 Division
Gold Champions - On Top Hockey
Silver Medalist - Transform Predators
2011 Division
Gold Champions - Rocky Mt. Warriors
Silver Medalists - WolfPack
2012 Division
Gold Champions - Las Vegas Storm
Silver Medalists - On Top Hockey
2013 Division
Gold Champions - Canada Crushers
Silver Medalists - Wolverines North
“Congratulations” to Our Division Champions and Silver Medalists and we Look
forward to a Great 2025 Tournament Next May with New and Returning AAA Teams.
Teams that
Register and Enter EARLY plus send in their Deposits get the Choice
selection of Rooms and Views. ENTER EARLY !!!
We have been
assured by the 3 Sponsoring Hotels that Our Rates are the Best Rates
available and we have more than enough Double Queen Rooms for Our
Hockey Families.
For over 19 Years, I have hosted Spring Hockey in Las Vegas and We have
found that the Best Places to get CHEAP Bottle Water, Pop, Juices, Liquor ,
Fruit, and Other Foods is to go from the 3 Sponsoring Hotel go North 3/5
Blocks on the Strip to FLAMINGO BLVD and Turn Left & Head WEST BOUND where
on Flamingo Blvd. You will find 2 “SMITHS” Stores ( like a Safeways or
Sobeys ) for Pop, Bottled Water, Mixes, Fruit etc. and across the Street
Parents will see a BIG RED SQUARE SIGN with LEES on the Sign. LEES is the
Best Liquor Store in Las Vegas with VERY Cheap Prices on Beer, Wine, Liquor
and the Selection is HUGE for Shopping. Also on Flamingo Blvd there is a
Laundry Place IF You need laundry done, stop at West Flamingo Fluff and Fold
702 – 395 – 7712 at the small strip mall on the North side of the blvd. just
west on the corner of Flamingo and JONES behind the Wendys. They have a
great One Day Laundry Service as i have used them for over 19 Years.
The Best Lee’s and Smiths are Located across the Street from Each Other on
the El Capitan and Flamingo Blvd. Lees is also next door to Las Vegas Ice
Center where they have Ice Skate Sharpening and a Great Pro Shop with
Excellent Prices.
*** Note to ALL Teams and Divisions ***
NO Division or Teams will be allowed to have any Over Age Players.
IF YOU have any questions on Las Vegas and Need some Help, Please feel free
to Call me or email me and i will try my best to give you guidance or try to
get You answers.
b.serniak@shaw.ca or 780-499-5784 Brian
Tournament Registration
Registration form filled out and submitted by no later then December 15,
Tournament Checklist
Tournament Checklist form filled out and submitted by no later then
March 1,
Tournament Schedule and Division Draws will be posted - May 15, 2025
Book your hotel rooms today if you have not already done
so at one of our sponsoring hotels